My kind of TECHNOLOGY – Voice Caddie SC300i Launch Monitor
When good friend Don, who heads of Canada’s longest running golf distribution company Golf Trends Inc. loaded me up with some of Voice Caddies latest technology, the Voice Caddie A2 Watch, SL3 Laser Rangefider and the SC300i Launch Monitor. My immediate thought was that it might take me longer to learn how to use these than to write about them!
About the launch monitor, Don had said, “You can pretty much take it out if the box and go.” There is a little more to it than that, but not much! What he did not tell me was that the information that the SC300i provides is pretty much bang on when compared to the launch monitors in excess of $20,000,00. Voice Caddies SC300i sells for less than $500.00 and you can take it anywhere. (A little more in Canada.) Damn exchange!
To use it out of the box, all you do is take it to the range, unless you are fortunate enough to have your own indoor hitting facility. Set it down 5 feet behind you, let it know which club you are hitting and hit away. Letting the monitor know which club you are hitting is a click of a button, however, provided is a small lightweight TV style remote that makes it so simple and easy, the only bending over you need to do is to tee up that next ball.
Go ahead, hit your shot and the SC300i “Voice” Caddie speaks to you telling you how far you hit it! Additionally, the screen will also provide the following details:

- Carry
- Swing Speed
- Ball Speed
- Launch Angle
- Apex
- Smash Factor
What macho man doesn’t want to his Smash Factor? LOL
It Help You Play Better Golf
All of this information is so important for every golfer interested in improving their game. Most people have no idea on real distance that they hit the ball, including me, I was surprised by my Carry, not nearly as far as I thought.
Now in keeping up with the Jones’s, and like all great technology companies, there is an App that you can download, also very simple, and all you need to do here is let them know who you are and create a log in, Username and Password. Easy, I did it in minutes.
There are a couple of key benefits to having the app. One it gives you the benefit of video and Spin Rate.
Full disclosure, I personally did not compare my results to the much higher priced launch monitors but if you check out the product reviews on You Tube many have.
Additionally, there are 2 modes that you can practice with using the SC300i. Practice Mode just lets you hit away and gives you the information previously outlined. The Target Mode lets you set up the monitor with a specific distance and you can challenge yourself with your club of choice to match that target distance.

When fully charged the launch monitor will give you battery life of about 20 hours, so no need to re charge too to often. There is also a carry case for the SC300i that I would highly recommend, but that is extra.
You know that Voice Caddie is top of the line, maybe world class is a better label, after all their rangefinder is The Official Rangefinder of the LPGA!
For more information on Voice Caddie products visit:
Canadian golfers the SC300i is available at Golf Town. or for more information visit Golf Trends Inc.