The Perfect Hands Golf Trainer


The Perfect Hands Golf trainer is a new golf swing improvement tool for golfers who want to train their muscle memory on making the perfect backswing. It also helps strengthen key core muscles in your body to help you hit the ball farther and more consistently. This is a wearable golf training aid that can help you overcome common swing issues like fighting a slice or hook. Not to mention, it can also help you increase driving distance without spending hours in the gym or speed training.

I discovered this product at the 2023 Connecticut Golf Show and was impressed with the demonstration. The Perfect Hands Golf booth was packed the entire show with both attendees and golf pros exhibiting at the show.

How it works?

While the strength and backswing guidance in the trainer are evident, the assertions that golfers’ swing plane will be improved is suspect. The goal of the device is to help you stay more connected and retrain your swing plane. When your arm and upper body can swing as one piece, you become a more consistent ball striker.

As it states on the company website, “Perfect Hands Golf allows golfers to create a repetitive on-plane golf swing every time, without restricting their body’s natural range of motion.”

There really isn’t anything that “prevents” you from swinging on the wrong plane using this device, but rather golfers will need to use the visual and resistance cues to understand when they are swinging on-plane or not. Of course, you don’t want a trainer that is too restrictive to not allow you to make a golf swing altogether; however, golfers will need to pay close attention to their swing plane while using this trainer.

It should be noted that the brand also offers resistance bands of different “weights” that may help with keeping your hands on-plane more often. This should be attempted with the assistance of a certified golf teaching professional for best results.

PHG is a three-part system where the glove, belt and bands all work together.

Whats Included

PHG Glove: This glove is made of highly durable fabric & features a proprietary internal floating strap to prevent rips/tears,the PHG glove is designed to last. It has a strap with three rings, all of which help certain issues (slice, hook or distance).

PHG Golf Belt: a belt is worn around you abdomen. This golf belt has two purposes – connect your glove to the bands and also improve movement. Here’s how PHG describes this feature on their website, “Kinetic energy is transferred into the belt in the form of heat, which is captured by the synthetic rubber that lines the inside of the entire belt. This heat will allow your core muscles to firre at a higher level throughout the golf swing, allowing your other muscles to become engaged mush quicker as well.

Four Acceleration Bands: This comes with four acceleration resistance bands that connect to different rings on your glove. These bands provide 10, 20, 30 or 40 pounds of resistance to help with practice and reinforce a better swing plane. The bands can help create for width in your backswing, help with overspeed training and improve your tempo.

PHG does come with a carry case, which makes it easier to transport to the driving range or indoor simulator.

Using Perfect Hands Golf Trainer

If you are like most golfers, chances are you need help fighting a slice. After strapping on the glove and belt, you’ll connect the bands to the D-ring which is located by your index finger. This will prevent you from leaving the club open at impact and prevent you from getting too steep on the downswing. When the device is in this position, you will keep your arms closer and more connected to your body for a more repeatable swing.

If you have the opposite problem and are fighting a hook, you’’ connect the D-ring to your pinky finger. This will help you stop flipping your wrist and make your swing plane slightly steeper so you are not so in-to-out on your downswing.

If your issue is lack of distance, you would attach the D-ring to the middle of the glove. The company guarantees an increase of 8-10 mph of club head speed within 4-6 weeks when following the recommended training.

What is nice about this training aid is that you can use ir indoors or outdoors with your own clubs. It can also help you improve during the off-season even if you can’t hit balls by training your mind and body to develop a more consistent swing.

This might seem overwhelming at first, however on the company website, they have three video guides to walk you though how to set everything up.

The Perfect Hands Golf trainer is an excellent device to teach you proper backswing form while also strengthening muscles in your core. We believe this is a tool that can help you gain distance and consistency in your golf swing with repeated use. Golf coaches will especially love this tool as it adds a physical training element to help with student instruction on these key golf swing characteristics.

For more information on the Perfect Hands Golf trainer, including current pricing and availability, visit