Popticals sunglasses scientifically designed for golfers are unlike anything else on the market. Popticals partnered with optics industry leader Zeiss Vision to create their nylon-based NYDEF® golf lenses, which are up to 40% clearer and lighter in weight than polycarbonate lenses used in most other sunglasses. These lenses help golfers see the topography of the course more clearly while also enabling better tracking and visibility of the ball.
Poptical’s NYDEF® golf-specific lenses feature purple and violet tints that reduce the green saturation of golf courses and unleash the golfers’ ability to distinguish between green gradients to more easily identify contours and variations on the course…even grain patterns on the greens!
With their patented FL2 Micro-Rail System™ design, Popticals snap into place for use and then collapse into a uniquely compact size for safe and secure portability in their protective hard case, fitting comfortably in your pants pocket or the smallest storage compartment of your golf bag. |